Come On, Joe…

No, Joe. President Trump is not “screaming law and order” to save his presidency. He’s calling for law and order to protect the country from you. And your sock-puppet mobs, forever the favored instrument of the Democrat party – from the white-sheet days of the Ku Klux Klan to the domestic terrorism of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn to the viciousness of ANTIFA and BLM. It’s all yours, Joe. Own it.

“Vigilantes?” What a hypocritical hoot. You, Joe, and your Democrat minders are the ones who have encouraged the mob, have validated their nihilistic rage, have ignored or excused their attacks. It’s all you.

You are responsible for this chaos, and if, God forbid, you are elected, we’ll see more of it.  A lot more.

No, Joe. President Trump is not “screaming law and order” to save his presidency. He’s calling for law and order to protect the country from you. And your sock-puppet mobs, forever the favored instrument of the Democrat party.

“Vigilantes?” What a hypocritical hoot. You, Joe, and your Democrat minders are the ones who have encouraged the mob, have validated their nihilistic rage, have ignored or excused their attacks.

You are responsible for this chaos, and if, God forbid, you are elected, we’ll see more of it.  A lot more.

By the way – stop lying. When you blandly assert “I’m not against fracking,” it’s clear that you haven’t read your party’s platform, where the “Combatting the Climate Crisis and Pursuing Environmental Justice” section mentions “green energy” in most paragraphs and says the US “must achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible, and no later than 2050.”  I know plowing through the document is a heavy lift, but you really ought to familiarize yourself with it. It’s the policies to which you are committing yourself.

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